Privacy Policy

We value your privacy

Our website considers the privacy and protection of our valued customers’ information as one of its top priorities. Therefore, we are committed to the highest standards of protection to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your information and records and use them only in areas reserved for them.

Security of personal information on social networks

Our website takes appropriate and appropriate procedures and measures to keep your personal information and customer information in our possession in a secure manner that ensures its protection against loss, unauthorized access, misuse or unauthorized modification and disclosure.

One of the most important measures implemented in site management is to protect your information and that of your customers.

Our site is committed to maintaining all information about its clients in compliance with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality.

Customer information is used to the minimum we need to provide high-level services that meet your aspirations.

Customer information will only be used by persons authorized and highly trained in handling customer requests, knowing that any employee who violates this obligation will be subject to legal liability applicable to social media services.

We promise to send you emails only through our domain, ensuring you are not exposed to fraudulent emails.

Our site is concerned with informing customers about our services, or obtaining a summary of the latest site news and other services, without asking you to provide us with information about yourself.

Our site ensures that personal information, your customer information or any basic or identifying information about you as a customer is used only to provide high quality services and we will retain this information in accordance with our own data security and confidentiality standards. .

We will always endeavor to evaluate ourselves against approved evaluation criteria to ensure full compliance with our standards of confidentiality and integrity of your information. We will conduct our business in such a way as to ensure that our promise is kept in all the services we work on.

Security awareness

Our website considers the privacy of its customers’ valuable information as one of its top priorities. Therefore, we are committed to respecting everything that involves maintaining the confidentiality of your information, and that your trust in us continues to be the main pillar that we strive to strengthen and preserve.

The measures taken by our website to ensure the security and protection of your online transactions

Secure Sessions: When you access our site or the Seller Dashboard, you are entering a secure session. You can be sure you are in a secure session by looking at the ‘uniform resource address’ on the page

In secure sessions, the page’s unified resource address begins with


In the lower right corner of the browser, a lock icon appears

Encryption: Using technology to encrypt your private information before sending it from your computer over the Internet so that no one can see it. Typically, your browser (depending on your browser settings) will warn you that you are about to enter a secure site.

Session Termination: If your browser is closed without leaving the site, or if you leave your computer for a period of time, you will be removed from the site for your protection. To return to the site, you must return to the main page and log in again

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